Re-defining host & vehicle quality on the Turo platform

Product design > Turo case studies > Host and vehicle quality



Turo is the largest peer to peer car sharing company in the US based out of San Francisco. It serves as a marketplace for people who own cars (hosts) to share their cars with people who need a car (guests).

From 2019 - 2021 my team focused on improving the share of 5-star reviews from guests to hosts, this is a series of initiatives we worked on geared toward Host quality.


Team: Host

Platforms: IOS/ Android/Web

Role: Senior Product Designer (Design lead on a cross functional team)

Timeline: 3 years, multiple projects

Skils: UX/UI, User research, Journey mapping, Art direction, Design strategy

Company Problem

In 2019, Turo was focused on holding our hosts more accountable for bad behavior and low quality performance metrics.

How might we incentivize hosts on providing high quality experiences for guests?

Goals and metrics

Improve share of 5-star trips
We knew that guests who leave 5-star reviews have the highest likelihood of returning. Hosts have a big part in the guest experience, so it made sense to focus on host behavior.

Give hosts a target to aspire to
Create a quality host program that incentivizes and recognizes our best hosts.

Hold hosts accountable for bad behavior
Warn hosts when their performance is sub par, give them tips on how to improve, and ban them if they continue to decline.

Close the loop holes
Even after banning hosts, they quickly figured out how to get back in by signing up with a different email or a different phone number. We wanted to make sure they were


Project one (2019)

Creating the All-Star Host program

The company set out to design a program similar to Airbnb’s Superhost badge that would acknowledged our best hosts and give them perks to incentivize more hosts to aspire for the badge.

Project two (2019)

Holding hosts accountable for bad performance

Just as we provided the reward for good behavior, we needed to re-think how we warned and banned hosts who provided poor experiences for guests.

Project three (2020 - 2021)

Granular ratings

In 2020, we added to our overall rating flow with more granular ratings to give hosts even more specific guidance on how to improve their guests trip experience.

Coming soon!

Project four (2021))

Vehicle safety inspections

By requiring an annual vehicle safety inspection, we ensured all the vehicles on Turo would be maintained and safe for guests, leading to fewer low star ratings due to safety concerns.


SALT test


Host Category Ratings